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  • ianrg68

Burmese syllables and the B2K layout

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

Burmese is a language of syllables and these syllables are almost always consistently structured. This affects the Burmese alphabet, alphabetical order and the B2K keyboard.

The standard form of a syllable is C(c)V(ʔ) + T where:

  • C(c) is the onset or head of the syllable and V(ʔ) + T is the rhyme of the syllable.

  • C is the leading consonant. There are 33 plain consonants, one with two forms and 34 consonant sounds.

  • (c) refers to the medial consonants. These are the second consonant in consonant cluster. There are only 3 medial consonants - ျ ၊ ြ ၊ ွ. A ှ can be added to the lead consonant, but this means that this consonsant is pronounced either as a voiceless or a pre-aspirated consonant.

  • V is the vowel. Most of the vowels are dependent vowels that are either implicit or attach to the consonant or consonant cluster. The implicit vowel is the equivalent of /a/ or a /ə/. The explicit dependent vowels can attach to the right of the consonant group (eg ာ), above the group (eg ိ), below (eg ု) , both above and below (ို) or both to the left and right (ော). The vowel may be open or close.

  • (ʔ) is the closed end. This can be a nasalised end or a glottal stop.

  • The T refers to a tone. A syllable that ends with an open vowel or a nasalised vowel will have one of three tones. In addition to this the syllable can end with a glottal stop or a neutral /ə/.

This is reflected in the order of the default opening layout of the B2K:

These first 9 columns are the consonants (excluding the ္ which is a special character to create a stack consonant)

The 10th column is the medial consonants and the aspiration marker

The next 4 colums are the vowel and tone markers that attach to the consonant clusters.

The last 3 columns are numbers and basic punctuation - ၊ is a like a comma and ။ is like a full stop.

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