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  • ianrg68

Burmese Secondary Keyboard (B2K)

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

This On-Screen Touch Keyboard acts as a secondary keyboard. It will allow you to type Burmese mixed text documents in Windows without requiring you to change your language settings.

Note: the PC above is set to use a US English keyboard. The B2K keyboard will stay on the screen when you type using the physical keyboard. This means you don't need to have all the other keys - Arrows, Enter, Alt, Ctrl etc.

The Shift key acts as normal to allow you to type the other characters. This shift key has no effect on the normal keyboard. The CapsLk acts the same as the Shift key except it stays on this view until you unlock this.

The default view has a phonetic layout more aimed at people for whom Burmese is not their native tongue. From left to right the first 9 columns are the leading consonants, the 10th the medial consonants. the 11th to 13th columns are the dependent vowels. The 14th is for tones. So long as you type in phonetic order, you just work left to right to create each Burmese syllable or word. The remainder are the numbers and basic punctuation.

The last view is the most complex. Each syllable is made up with a head and a rhyme. The head is the consonant group and the rhyme is the vowel, stops and tones. This view allows you to type the whole of the rhyme in one or two keystrokes.

The arrangement is the top row is generally the dependent vowel. The second row, the independent vowels. The last two rows are common nasalised stops and the glottal stops.

The first two columns are for syllables that end in an "a" sound. The next two are the "i"s, then the "u"s, "ei", "e", "aw"/"au", "o"/"ou" and finally "ai", ie in the Burmese order.

The keyboard will be available by email soon.

Note: The background pictures were taken when I visited Yangon, Bagan and Mandalay in 2019 and 202o

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